• business@qsoft.co.tz
  • +255-712-717-469


We have worked with a variety of businesses varying from non-profit to corporate. Our company specializes where firms need quick and efficient corporation setups


We have some special crieteria that will help you


Our team is comprised of highly qualified experts with a wealth of experience in legal and regulatory business matters in Tanzania.


We have worked with a variety of businesses varying from non-profit to corporate with great appreciation has given to us.


Although our clients have ranged in size to large corporations, our company specializes where firms need quick and efficient corporation setup


We are always here to serve you some awesome services


Tanzania is a growing market with endless opportunities for both local and foreign investors


TIC was established in order to coordinate, encourage, promote and facilitate investment in Tanzania.


In accordance with the law in Tanzania, companies are required to make all necessary filings with the BRELA


We Offers the facilitation of legal services including but not limited to general corporate law, labour and employment


We have an experience and flexibility to ensure that our clients receive the highest caliber of immigration services


We now offer virtual office service to clients that wish to have their office address with us.


Establishing a company in Tanzania is a multi-stage process. The successful establishment of a company requires the submission of a number of documents as well as detailed information provided by the client to QSOFT BUSINESS CONSULTANTS.

In order our clients to be assisted in the best and most efficient manner, we provide a detailed checklist in stages which we ask our clients to provide to us. Once we have all the required information and documentation we ensure all deliverable are swiftly delivered.

Step One – Obtaining a Certificate of Incorporation

Upon clearance of the company name provided by the client, preparation of the memorandum and articles of association as well as relevant company forms they are submitted to the Business Registrations and Licensing Agency.

We aim to deliver a Certificate of Incorporation within 7 working days once we have received all required documentation and information from the client.

Step Two – Obtaining a Tax Identification Number Certificate

After incorporation the new company must register with the Tanzania Revenue Authority to obtain a Tax Payer Identification Number. This is again completed once all relevant information and documentation requested is provided to qsoft consultants.

We have this processed within 2 working days.

Step Three – Obtaining a Business License

Before commencing business activities, the new company will be required to obtain a business license which is renewable on a yearly basis. Once we have the new company’s objective provided in stage, qsoft consultants will provide a list of the requisite documents and fees applicable.

We aim to process the business license within 3 working days.

Step Four – Obtaining a Value Added Tax Certificate

VAT is chargeable on the supply of goods or services in Mainland Tanzania. In order to obtain a VAT certificate, a company’s turnover must be approximately USD 46,000. This is usually estimation and in order to process the same a thorough evaluation is conducted by the Tanzania Revenue Authority in order to verify the provided estimation.

We aim to process the VAT certificate within 5 working days.

Establishing a company in Tanzania is a multi-stage process. The successful establishment of a company requires the submission of a number of documents as well as detailed information provided by the client to QSOFT BUSINESS CONSULTANTS.

In order our clients to be assisted in the best and most efficient manner, we provide a detailed checklist in stages which we ask our clients to provide to us. Once we have all the required information and documentation we ensure all deliverable are swiftly delivered.

Step One – Obtaining a Certificate of Incorporation

Upon clearance of the company name provided by the client, preparation of the memorandum and articles of association as well as relevant company forms they are submitted to the Business Registrations and Licensing Agency.

We aim to deliver a Certificate of Incorporation within 7 working days once we have received all required documentation and information from the client.

Step Two – Obtaining a Tax Identification Number Certificate

After incorporation the new company must register with the Tanzania Revenue Authority to obtain a Tax Payer Identification Number. This is again completed once all relevant information and documentation requested is provided to qsoft consultants.

We have this processed within 2 working days.

Step Three – Obtaining a Business License

Before commencing business activities, the new company will be required to obtain a business license which is renewable on a yearly basis. Once we have the new company’s objective provided in stage, qsoft consultants will provide a list of the requisite documents and fees applicable.

We aim to process the business license within 3 working days.

Step Four – Obtaining a Value Added Tax Certificate

VAT is chargeable on the supply of goods or services in Mainland Tanzania. In order to obtain a VAT certificate, a company’s turnover must be approximately USD 46,000. This is usually estimation and in order to process the same a thorough evaluation is conducted by the Tanzania Revenue Authority in order to verify the provided estimation.

We aim to process the VAT certificate within 5 working days.

The project register is aimed at providing relevant and reliable information on the Construction Industry to enable the Board effectively achieve its registration, regulation and development functions and ensure compliance of developers and contractors to provisions of the Contractors Registration Act. Under the law, all projects of a value equal to or exceeding TShs. 10 million must be registered and be issued with a Project Registration Sticker

Salient Features of Project Registration.

  • Requirement and Eligibility:Registration of Projects is a Legal requirement enforceable through the CRB By laws. All Public and Private funded projects with the value of Tshs. 10m and above have to be registered

  • Who is to register: The responsibility of registering a project with the board lies with the Contractor or Sub Contractor (both Nominated and Domestic) who has been awarded the project.

  • Application Forms: Project Registration Forms are available countrywide free of charge through CRB Offices in Dar es Salaaam (HQ and Eastern Zonal office, Mwenge), CRB Zonal Offices in Mbeya, Mwanza, Arusha and Dodoma. The forms can also be downloaded from the CRB Website in Downloads/Form www.crb.go.tz

  • Submission: A contractor is required to submit a complete, dully filled with attachments application to register a project to any of the CRB Offices not later than 14 days after being awarded a contract and receiving a letter of Acceptance and before commencement of any works. The application should be accompanied with a non-refundable processing fee depending on the Total project value as per design estimates.

  • Processing: Processing of the application is done within 3 days of receipt of an application. Successful applicants are given a Project Registration Number and a Project Registration Sticker to be affixed on the Project Signboard.

  • Non-Approval for Registration: In the event that the application is not approved, the applicant shall be informed on the reasons for not being approved and the applicant will be required to rectify the shortfalls within 14 days from the day the application was rejected.

  • Placing of sticker:It is a statutory requirement that the Project Registration Sticker is affixed on the Project signboard adjacent to the Contractor’s Name.

  • Updating of Information:On completion, extension, termination or suspension of the project, the Contractor shall inform the Board in writing by filling feedback forms to enable the Project Register to be updated. Forms for Project feedback are available at all CRB Offices and our website Downloads/Form www.crb.go.tz

  • Non –Compliance to Project Registration requirements:Failure to register a project and to affix sticker on the signboard, attracts a penalty as stipulated in the bylaws. Failure to provide feedback to the Board on status of the Project i.e. Completion, Suspension, Termination, etc is also an offence attracting a penalty.

  • Guidelines:Detailed guidelines on Project Registration ,Application Forms and feedback forms are available on the Our website www.crb.go.tz


1. Go to https://ors.aqrb.go.tz

2. If have not registered on the system, create account then login.

3. If you have been registered before the system as professional, while logged in go to link "professional registered before the system" enter your registration number. (This is only one time process)

4. On left hand side menu (dashboard) click on Project, while opened on right hand side click button "create Project application"

5. Fill all required information then click "Save"

6. Download generated form then sign and stamp

7. Upload all required supporting documents, make each document attach to its corresponding (If document has more than one page then scan as single file)

8. Click finished

9. Your application will be evaluated, after that you will receive control number.

10. After payment visit nearest AQRB office to collect sticker.

Do you want to get our quality service for your business?